DocumentationAdvanced Routing

Advanced Routing

Router Merging

Routers can be merged, which brings one router’s routes into another, with a prefix. This is incredibly useful for larger apps, for example when you have multiple versions of an API.

import {v1} from './routers/v1';
import {v2} from './routers/v2';
export const api = router.merge('/v1', v1).merge('/v2', v2);

All type information, route names, and correct prefixes are preserved during merging.

Router Parameters

The .params() method provides type-safe declaration of parameters that a router expects to receive when merged. This is exclusively used with router merging - .params() is only effective when the router is merged somewhere that provides those parameters.

Basic Parameters

// Declare that this router needs a userId parameter
const userRouter = router
		userId: z.string().min(3),
	.get('/', async ({params}) => {
		// params.userId is guaranteed to exist
		return {id: params.userId};
// This works - we're mounting at a path that provides userId
const app = router.merge('/users/:userId', userRouter);
// This would be a type error - we're not providing userId
const badApp = router.merge('/users', userRouter);

Nested Parameters

Parameters become especially powerful with deeply nested routers:

// This router needs both userId and postId
const commentsRouter = router
		userId: z.string(),
		postId: z.string(),
	.through(async (ctx, params) => {
		const [user, post] = await Promise.all([db.users.findById(params.userId), db.posts.findById(params.postId)]);
		if (!user || !post) {
			throw new KaitoError(404, 'Not found');
		return {
// This router provides postId and forwards userId
const postsRouter = router
		userId: z.string(),
	.merge('/posts/:postId/comments', commentsRouter);
// Finally, we provide userId at the top level
const app = router.merge('/users/:userId', postsRouter);

You can only call .params() once on a router. Multiple calls will result in a type error to prevent breaking existing routes.

Middleware with .through()

Instead of traditional middleware, Kaito offers .through() for a more predictable and type-safe approach to request processing.

Basic Usage

.through() accepts a function that receives:

  1. The current context
  2. The router’s parameters (if defined using .params())

It should return the next context, which will be used for all subsequent routes:

const postsRouter = router
	.through(async ctx => {
		const session = await ctx.getSession();
		if (!session) {
			throw new KaitoError(401, 'Not logged in');
		return {
			user: session.user,
	.post('/posts', async ({ctx}) => {
		const post = await ctx.db.posts.create(;
		return post;


You can chain multiple .through() calls, where each receives the context from the previous:

const adminRouter = router
	.through(async ctx => {
		const session = await ctx.getSession();
		if (!session) throw new KaitoError(401, 'Not logged in');
		return {...ctx, user: session.user};
	.through(async ctx => {
		const isAdmin = await checkIfUserIsAdmin(ctx.user);
		if (!isAdmin) throw new KaitoError(403, 'Forbidden');
		return {...ctx, user: {...ctx.user, isAdmin: true}};

Router Composition

.through() enables powerful router composition patterns:

export const authedRouter = router.through(async ctx => {
	const session = await ctx.getSession();
	if (!session) throw new KaitoError(401, 'Not logged in');
	return {...ctx, user: session.user};
import {authedRouter} from '../routers/authed.ts';
// Note: Router methods are immutable, so we can import and use
// the router directly without reinstantiation
export const postsRouter ='/', async ({ctx}) => {
	// We get access to ctx.user automatically!
	await ctx.db.posts.create(;